un⋅wind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uhn-wahynd] Show IPA verb, -wound, -wind⋅ing.
–verb (used with object) 1. to undo or loosen from or as if from a coiled condition: to unwind a rolled bandage; to unwind a coiled rope.
2. to reduce the tension of; relax: to unwind a person with a drink.
3. to disentangle or disengage; untwist: to unwind one's legs from around the stool.
Yesterday kicks off my 5 day weekend! I took a few days off from work to unwind which gives me a total of 5 days of stress free livin. Definition #2 pretty much sums up what I'll be doing, plus on Tuesday I add another digit to my age.
Last night - Music/Cs3/cheeba/stoner game